Information meetings in Gjakova and Prizren - Green Hub Program
Yesterday, we had the pleasure of visiting the cities of Gjakova and Prizren, where we held meetings with local stakeholders. In these meetings, in addition to meeting the local stakeholders of the tourism sector in the respective cities, we had the opportunity to reveal the details of the Green Hub program, which was developed in partnership between SLK and VentureUP and also has the support of UNDP Kosovo. The Green Hub program introduces mega-trends and tools for thinking about the future that will help tourism enterprises become more resilient and sustainable for the 21st century. This program aims to lead the change in the trends of doing business and ecotourism in Kosovo, and also to assist enterprises in the tourism sector in overcoming the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the Tourism Office of Gjakova Municipality, a facility which is located in the Old Bazaar of the city, we had the pleasure to meet the representatives of the Municipal Tourism Office and some of the entrepreneurs of the tourism sector in this city. Representing this office were Mr. Dalon Kulludra, Mr. Lon Ibishi and Mr. Qazim Mehmeti, while the representatives of businesses came from the sub-sectors of tourism such as hotels, inns and cafes that operate in this city.

In Prizren we met with the director of the Directorate for Tourism and Economic Development, Mrs. Lirije Xhemaj-Bytyqi and also with the Vice President of the Kosovo Hotel Chamber, Mr. Burim Sallauka.

Both meetings were very fruitful and friendly and we were also closely informed about the opportunities for cooperation and continued development of the tourism sector in Kosovo.